MASU Airport Shuttle
The MASU offers an airport shuttle taxi cab service for students travelling between campus and the Greater Moncton International Airport during the holiday break in December and January.
Information for the 2023-2024 Academic Year will become available in November!
How it works:
The MASU partners with a trusted local taxi cab company to drop off and pick up students when their flights are coming in or departing.
The MASU covers a portion of the usual $85-100 cab fair to provide students with a more affordable travel option.
Key Dates (2023-2024)
(leaving Campus)
Dates the shuttle is running:
(Returning to Campus)
Dates the shuttle is running:
Booking opens: TBA
Booking closes: TBA
How to book:
To book your shuttle please email masu@mta.ca with the following information:
Your name:
Phone number:
Date of Departure:
Flight Time:
Flight Carrier (ie Air Canada, Porter):
Flight Number (ie AC8902):
What time would you like to leave from Sackville?
Pick Up Location:
How to pay:
Fee: $40 per trip
Payments are cash only and can be brought into the MASU office during our office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. Student will receive a receipt upon payment.
A confirmation email will be sent once both the booking and payment are received.
In the meantime…
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Email: masu@mta.ca or masuexternal@mta.ca
Call: (506) 364-2515