Hiring & elections

Each year, the MASU employs over twenty students in part-time positions and elects just under twenty student positions that serve as Executives and Representatives. To learn who currently occupies these positions, visit Our People. To learn more about MASU Elections and Hiring, see our Governing Documents!


The MASU is governed by the Student’s Administrative Council (SAC), a body of students elected and appointed at various times throughout the year. Elections are organized by the Chief Returning Officer (CRO). Emails about candidacy will be sent out during each election season — students interested in running should contact the CRO for more information at masucro@mta.ca!

The MASU shall be an equal opportunity employer…Recruitment, selection, review, hiring, development, and training of individuals will be executed without bias, including bias based on race, cultural and ethnic heritage, gender, personal identity, political affiliation, religion, faith, creed, physical characteristics, disability, or sexuality.
— Operating Procedure - Human Resources, Section 4


Staff positions report to the Executive and are responsible for carrying out day-to-day tasks as assigned by the Executive and Students’ Administrative Council. Any questions or comments regarding hiring can be directed to the Human Resources Manager at masuhumanresources@mta.ca!

Nomination packages for active elections can be found below

Spring Election nomination packages

Upcoming deadlines

Questions or Concerns?

Contact our Vice President, Finance & Governance, Rebecca Schelew at masufinance@mta.ca.