The MASU has three levels of governance - a Constitution, the general By-Laws, and Governing Procedures. All of these documents can be found on this page. The MASU’s governance is maintained by the Vice President, Finance and Governance, and the Governance Committee.


The highest level governing document of the MASU is our Constitution. It defines a few key aspects of the union, such as its objectives and the powers of its internal bodies.

The by-laws

The General By-Laws are a more detailed and specific description of higher-level processes and groups within the MASU, such as Membership, Elections and Referenda, the Executive Board, the SAC, and Committees.

Governing Procedures

MASU Governing Procedures (GPs) define the day-to-day operations of the union. GPs are divided into nine (9) categories as listed below.

Do you have any questions about our GPs?
Direct them to the VP Finance and Governance at


For more information, see Governing Procedure 1980 - Transition to Modern Governing Documents.

Operating Procedure 01: Office Administration

Operating Procedure 02: Governance REPEALED

Operating Procedure 03: Elections & Referenda REPEALED

Operating Procedure 04: Human Resources

Operating Procedure 05: Committees & Taskforces REPEALED

Operating Procedure 06: Clubs & Societies’ REPEALED

Operating Procedure 07: Grants & Awards REPEALED

Operating Procedure 08: Services REPEALED

Operating Procedure 09: Communications REPEALED

Operating Procedure 10: Judicial Process