committees & Caucuses
Committees are responsible for carrying out tasks as assigned by Council and caucuses are informal committees that work largely independently. Both committees and caucuses do crucial work for the MASU, being responsible for collecting feedback and making recommendations to the SAC. A full list of MASU committees and caucuses, with descriptions, is available below.
Committee And Caucus Applications
Committee and caucus applications are open to all students on Friday, September 13th, 2024 and will close on October 1st, 2024.
To apply, access the forms below!
standing COMMITTEEs
Academic & University Affairs
Chaired by the Vice President, Academic and University Affairs, the responsibilities of the Academic and University Affairs Committee include writing and passing advocacy policies, gathering feedback on academic-related initiatives within the MASU, and determining the TA and Teaching Excellence Awards in the winter semester.
This committee works to assist the Entertainment Director and the Assistant Entertainment Director in planning and coordinating MASU Entertainment events.
External Affairs
This committee works to review and recommend advocacy policies related to municipal and provincial affairs, promote the MASU’s involvement in events outside Mount Allison, and increase student awareness of external issues and lobbying opportunities at all levels.
Finance and administration
This committees works to to enhance the operations of the MASU by developing policy as well as to provide guidance on its expenditures by working on the yearly budget. In addition, the committee also works to disburse Academic Enrichment and Clubs & Societies Funding, as well as the Jeff ‘Skip’ Fraser Memorial Scholarship.
This committee works to review and refine the governance of the union under the guidance of the Vice President, Finance and Governance. This year, the committee is finalizing a major governance structure reform.
The committee works to provide feedback on and promote indigenization, equity, diversity, and inclusion (I-EDI) within the MASU and at Mount Allison University.
International affairs
This Committee works to review and provide feedback on matters that affect the international student experience at Mount Allison, promote the integration and support of international students, and provide guidance to the MASU's advocacy efforts that concern international student affairs.
Student Life
This committee works to review and recommend advocacy policies related to non-academic issues on campus, promote the MASU’s involvement in events within the Mount Allison community relating to student life, and concern itself with issues that affect the Mount Allison community.
This committee works to review and recommend MASU policy on environmental issues, create awareness on campus of current environmental issues, consistently evaluate MASU and University environmental policy and practices, recommend changes to MASU and Mount Allison environmental policy and practices, and work with Mount Allison University to establish and maintain a system of metrics that accurately reflect the per capita carbon footprint of the average Mount Allison student, staff, and faculty member, as well as the Mount Allison’s overall carbon footprint in relation to its total square foot area.
standing Caucuses
Board of Regents Caucus
Chaired by the President & CEO, the Board of Regents Caucus advances, reviews, and advocates MASU positions to the University's highest governing body, the Board of Regents. MASU Vice-President, Academic & University Affairs, along with other Officers and Members-At-Large that sit on Board of Regents Committees sit on this Caucus.
This caucus works to amplify the concerns and opinions of first-year Members-At-Large within the MASU and its advocacy. It also strives to promote MASU involvement to first-year students!
Yearbook Caucus
This caucus will help prepare the Allisonian Yearbook as directed by the two Allisonian Editors and the Vice-President, Communications and Marketing.
social caucus
This caucus offers a space for residence leaders that have been delegated to serve as Social Chairpersons to communicate, share ideas, and coordinate social events with the MASU and amongst each other.
Senate caucus
Chaired by the Vice President, Academic and University Affairs, the Senate Caucus is composed of the students that sit on Senate, including the President (ex-officio) and the seven student senators. The purpose of this caucus is to discuss and consult one another on items addressed in meetings of the University Senate.