Orientation Week 2024
Find out how you shine!
Orientation week (aka O-week) is the week before classes when incoming students are welcomed into the Mount A. and Sackville community with tons of resources, exciting events, new friends, and wide-open arms. All incoming students are welcome and encouraged to participate. This year’s theme (2024) is ‘Find Out How You Shine!’
A Message From your 2024/25 Orientation Chair Holly Wry
Hello Future Mounties!
I am absolutely thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Mount Allison University! My name is Holly Wry, and it is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as the 2024 University Orientation Chair. Our entire orientation team is overflowing with excitement as we eagerly anticipate your arrival this fall. Orientation at Mount Allison is a one of a kind exciting time for all students. This time is made for a smoother transition into university life.
The Orientation team and I have a strong goal to make Orientation 2024, a fun, welcoming, and memorable experience for all who are involved. We have some incredibly exciting activities planned for you to enjoy and experience the essence of life here at Mount A. Orientation here at MtA is structured for students so they will have many chances to explore the campus and surrounding town, all while meeting new friends and having a fun start to creating your new life here at Mount Allison in Sackville.
See you in August!
Holly Wry (she/her)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at orientation@mta.ca and be sure to follow us on Instagram @mta.orientation for more news and updates about O-Week!
See you in September!
Stay Connected!
Check out our Instagram @mta.orientation for more Orientation updates and content, including announcements, behind-the-scenes vlogs, takeovers, student-authored blog posts, swag giveaways, and so much more!

Shinerama Campaign
Each year, the MASU holds a Shinerama campaign to raise funds and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis.
Desc. Nine students in blue and white Shinerama t-shirts pose enthusiastically with various Shinerama signs in Sackville, New Brunswick.
What is Shinerama?
The Shinerama campaign takes place throughout the summer leading up to our largest fundraising event called Shine Day. Shine day takes place the first Saturday of every September with over 500 volunteers spreading out across Sackville, Amherst, and Greater Moncton to collect donations. The MASU’s campaign raises around $20, 000 each year through events and online fundraising.
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease in Canada with approximately 1 in every 3600 Canadians born with the diagnosis. CF is a multi-system disease, impacting every organ in the patient's body, primarily affecting their lungs and digestive system. Shinerama is Canada's largest post-secondary fundraising initiative in support of CF that has made a direct impact on the lives of Canadians with CF; with each year the campaign runs, 10 months are added to the life expectancy of a CF patient.
Feel free to reach out to our Shinerama Campaign Chair Kris Girouard with any Shinerama questions.