MASU Students’ Administrative Council

Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2020


1.     Call to order: 6:05pm


2.     Land Acknowledgement 

a.     This week the land acknowledgement was done by Councillor Davy.


3.     Agenda

BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Minocha-McKenney, seconded by Councillor Tobin) that the Sunday, November 29th Agenda of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved.


4.     Presentation – Councillor Burke

a.     Councillor Burke gave a presentation on women in workplace for council members to gain more knowledge and insight about supporting and advocating for women in council meetings and other areas of their lives. 

b.     The purpose of this was to inform council members of the challenges women face in situations such as council meetings and for women to feel comfortable and empowered.

c.     The takeaway message of the presentation was to treat council as a professional environment in which all members are given the same amount of attention and respect. 

d.     Moving forward, think about these questions:

                                               i.     Do you treat men and women differently in the workplace?

                                             ii.     Do you give women councillors as much time to speak as you would yourself?

                                           iii.     Do you respect their opinion?

e.     Hold yourself and male colleagues accountable.

                                               i.     Respect the portfolio of female coworkers and do not speak on their behalf.


5.     Approval of the Minutes

BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Burke, seconded by Councillor Tobin) that the Sunday, November 15th Minutes of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved.


6.     Reports

a.     Councillor Ferguson 

                                               i.     Councillor Ferguson presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, the collapse of the Atlantic Bubble, pass/fail option advocacy for Fall semester, the website, advocacy month, voter suppression, response to sexual violence at MTA, office policy, housing directory policy and future projects. 

                                             ii.     For more information, see council package from November 29th. 


-       Councillor Tobin: Can you elaborate on the second website (

o   Councillor Davy: The housing directory will be the same as the one currently on our page. It has a list of almost all of the active housing. It only lists landlords that have come to MASU. It also includes a map of where everything lays on campus, walking distances, etc. We separated this into its own website because the housing directory is coded to do a lot of notifications. 

-       Councillor Nowlan: Will the move to entirely online coursework affect the push for giving students a pass/fall option for this term?

o   Councillor Ferguson: It may positively benefit this push but there is also a possibility that it could negatively impact it. 

o   Councillor Burke: We really don’t know at this point, but we are hoping for a positive outcome. 

b.    Councillor Burke

                                               i.     Councillor Burke presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, pass/fail option for Fall semester, committee work, mock LSAT/MCAT and other updates.

                                             ii.     For more information, see council package from November 29th. 


-       Councillor Blakney: Will we be trying to get the pass/fail option retrospectively (i.e., following when we receive our grades)?

o   Councillor Burke: Yes. Students will start to see their grades December 14th and the motion will not go through until December 8th therefore it’s a short turn-around, so we are hoping that appeals to the Senators. 

-       Councillor Minocha-McKenney: What is the best way for us to tell students how they can help to get this motion passed?

o   Councillor Burke: It’s really helpful if students email me with their words of support of this motion because we are including student testimonials. I also encourage them to email their support to their professors as well.

-       Councillor Blakney: Has there been any communication with the registrar as I know that they play a huge role in this?

o   Councillor Burke: Yes, they are aware of the motion. They are currently going through their records of how many students utilized this option last semester to gauge how much work will need to be done this time around. 

c.     Councillor Thorburn

                                               i.     Councillor Thorburn presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, work on NBSA and CASA, committee work, Community Food Smart, response to MTA sexual violence and other updates.

                                             ii.     For more information, see council page from November 29th. 

d.    Councillor Nolan

                                               i.     Councillor Nolan presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, policies and by-laws, work with RBC, Campus Trust, Health Insurance and upcoming work.

                                             ii.     For more information, see council package from November 29th. 


-       Councillor Minocha-McKenney: What is the Campus Trust?

o   Councillor Nolan: The MASU provides everyone with health insurance if you pay for it but instead of paying through a company (which is what is done typically), we combine with different student unions to self-fund our health insurance plan. For example, another school is MSVU, we combine our money together, they pay it to us, and we hold it together and take some of that money out for investing and then we pay out claims on health insurance. For example, if you go to the dentist to get a tooth fixed, you could request that the Campus Trust pay it out. I may get a presentation together for next semester to explain more clearly.

e.     Councillor Davy

                                               i.     Councillor Davy presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, website launch, committee work, communications since previous report and other updates.

                                             ii.     For more information, see council package from November 29th. 

f.      Councillor Penney

                                               i.     Councillor Penney presented an update on their work for MASU. Update included hours, work with clubs and societies, committee work, EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion), health and wellbeing, hiring, international students, residence work, response to sexual violence at MTA and an update on entertainment.

                                             ii.     For more information, see council package from November 29th. 


-       Councillor Tobin: Can you tell me what RAF means?

o   Councillor Penney: Risk Assessment Form.

-       Councillor Penney: I have returned home for the rest of the semester given the uncertainty of self-isolation regulations. 

g.     Sustainability Coordinator

                                               i.     Report and introduction from the sustainability coordinator, Natasha Gosselin.

                                             ii.     3 committees have been formed to tackle various projects regarding campus and community sustainability.

1.     First committee is working on the Green Investment Fund application.

2.     The second committee is working with eco-reps in the residences as well as developing a plan to run an environmental audit of campus in the Winter semester and reviewing the environmental recommendations document from 2013 to see progress. 

3.     The third committee is working on developing a podcast with CHMA.


-       Councillor Minocha-McKenney: Can residences apply to the Green Investment Fund?

o   Councillor Gosselin: Absolutely, that’s a great idea. They can reach out to me ( or the committee. 


7.     Business Arising from the Minutes

a.     Ad-hoc Sexual Violence Committee Second Reading

                                               i.     Councillor Minocha-McKenney and Councillor Nowlan presented the second reading of the committee which included working on the diversity of the committee as well as other small adjustments that were suggested by other councillors following the first reading. 

                                             ii.     Councillor Minocha-McKenney forgot to include that the Catalyst representative has been removed from the membership. 

                                           iii.     Motion to approve the acceptance of the Ad-hoc Sexual Violence Committee to 

1.     Moved by Councillor Minocha-McKenney and Councillor Nowlan, seconded by Councillor Penney.

2.     ALL IN FAVOUR, motion passes. 


-       Councillor Tobin: I’m curious about how you will implement Section 3C (i.e., training on sexual harassment and assault and awareness for residence staff)?

o   Councillor Nowlan: It’s a subsection of the report we are doing that includes recommendations.

o   Councillor Penney: Within my mandate, I do work with residence leaders (specifically executive members) however I think if the committee puts forth this recommendation, student life will take part in implementing this training.

-       Councillor Tobin: Assuming this committee gets approved, maybe we should remove the names of specific people from each club and society so that this can be renewed easier for next time.

o   Councillor Minocha-McKenney: These names will not be on the terms of reference. I included the names so that council will be aware who has agreed to be a part of the committee. 

-       Councillor Ferguson: Regarding Section 1C, I feel that we should adjust the verbiage from “actively collect student testimonials related to sexual violence” to “consider student feedback.” (FRIENDLY AMMENDMENT)


8.     New Business

a.     Unity MTA Club Constitution 

                                               i.     Motion to ratify Unity MTA as an official club within the MASU (moved by Councillor Penney, seconded by Councillor Minocha-McKenney).

1.     ALL IN FAVOUR, motion passes.


b.    Break the Silence MTA Club Constitution 

                                               i.     Motion to go in camera (moved by Councillor Ferguson, seconded by Councillor Minocha-McKenney).

                                             ii.     Motion to leave in camera (moved by Councillor Penney, seconded by Councillor Ferguson).

                                           iii.     Motion to table discussion for next council meeting (moved by Councillor Ferguson, seconded by Councillor Cormier).

1.     Motion passes with 1 opposed and 2 abstentions. 


9.     Open forum

a.     Councillor Minocha-McKenney – Gift Guide

                                               i.     Councillor Minocha-McKenney presented a gift guide document that the Eco Representative in Windsor Hall put together for how to reduce waste and be more sustainable with gift giving during the holiday season. 

b.    Councillor Blakney – Sexual Violence Committee on the Board of Regents

                                               i.     Councillor Blakney was asked to sit on this committee and if anyone on council has some suggestions or information, he can take to the BoR, contact him however you see fit. 


10.  Reminders

a.     Councillor Minocha-McKenney

                                               i.     Take a break and enjoy your winter break! Great work this semester everyone!

b.    Councillor Tobin

                                               i.     Winter elections are coming up, has the timeline changed given the fact that the Winter break has been extended?

                                             ii.     Councillor Richardson: Winter elections are typically supposed to be completed with voting before the first week of February. This will not be able to happen this semester so I will have to amend that.

c.     Councillor Thorburn 

                                               i.     For anyone who will be here, food box orders are due this Tuesday and will be passed out December 10th.

d.    Councillor Rawling

                                               i.     There is a Wellness Day coming up, Thursday, December 3rd. More information coming soon from entertainment!

e.     Councillor Nolan

                                               i.     There have been issues with councillors attending their committee meetings. It is in your mandate to partake in these committees and if you cannot make a meeting, inform the committee Chair. 

f.      Councillor Davy

                                               i.     MASU Monthly is coming out! If anyone would like to include something in MASU Monthly, contact me. 

g.     Councillor Burke

                                               i.     Send photos to the yearbook! Contact Councillor Whiteway!


11.  In Camera

a.     Motion to go in camera (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Tobin.

b.     Motion to approve clubs and societies funding for the second round (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Penney).

                                               i.     Motion passes with one abstention.

c.     Motion to approve academic enrichment funding for the second round (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Thorburn).

                                               i.     Motion passes with two abstentions.


12.  Adjournment: 8:15pm 

-       Motion to Adjourn the Students’ Administrative Council until the first meeting of the Winter Semester, date to be determined by the Chair (moved by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Penney).


January 24th, 2021


November 15th, 2020