Starting a New Club: 

Step 1: Draft a Constitution 

A constitution should define the purpose and objectives of your club, along with its operational procedures. This may include details on elections, executive roles, and other essential group processes. Ensure that the constitution aligns with the MASU’s Clubs and Societies Policy. Refer to the following guiding documents for assistance: 


Step 2: Reach Out to the Vice President Student Life 

Share the constitution and any relevant information with the MASU’s VP Student Life to confirm that the club meets all requirements for ratification. This step also allows the group to seek advice and address any queries with the VP Student Life. 

Step 3: Obtain Ratification from Council 

According to the MASU’s Clubs and Societies Policy, a new group must receive approval through a majority vote at Student Administrative Council to be ratified. The VP Student Life will present the new group for council voting. Members of the executive team are encouraged to attend the council meeting and assist in the presentation. 

The VP Student Life will communicate the outcome of the motion to the group’s signing officers as outlined in the submitted constitution within one week after the Student Administrative Council meeting.