MASU Students’ Administrative Council 

Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2021


Call to Order: 6:04pm


Land Acknowledgement

-       The land acknowledgement was done by Councillor MacLean-de Stecher this week. 


Approval of the Agenda

-       BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Burke) that the Sunday, February 28th Agenda of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved.


Approval of the Minutes

-       BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Tobin) that the Wednesday, February 10th Minutes of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved.

-       BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Minocha-McKenney) that the Wednesday, February 24th Minutes of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved. 



-       Councillor Ferguson

o   Councillor Ferguson gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included COVID developments, blog concerning a MtA professor VPSIA search committee, housing policy development, tech plan, Flying Bean reopening and carbon offsetting (Bullfrog Power). 

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th. 


-       Councillor Tobin: Can you go into more detail on what the partnership with Bullfrog Power would entail? Would this mean that the MASU is investing in their own green energy sources or is the MASU intending to spend funds in a donation to some other organization?

o   Councillor Ferguson: We won’t be changing how we use our power but we are measuring the amount we consume then donating to this organization who will put that money toward greener sources of energy. 

o   Councillor Tobin: So, we are donating funds to this private company so they can use it to develop more of their green solutions?

o   Councillor Ferguson: Yeah, that is generally the idea. This is meant to be a way of us recognizing how we can help clear a pathway toward more green energy in the future. I still have to meet with them to further iron out the details. 


-       Councillor Burke

o   Councillor Burke gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included Senate, Academic Affairs, mock MCAT/LSAT, OER faculty campaign, committee work as well as extra updates such as Dean of Arts search.

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th. 


-       Councillor Tobin: Regarding the Senate motion, why was this not circulated to the Senators prior to it being submitted to the Senate secretary?

o   Councillor Burke: It actually has not been submitted yet. I did post just before this meeting in the Facebook chat about the final wording that I’m thinking of submitting but, I’ve put it in the Senate agenda so they know it will be coming forward. I was struggling with the wording of this as well as finding when to meet with the Senators. These issues have been resolved so you should see that we (myself and the Senators) are meeting next Friday to discuss this further.  


-       Councillor Thorburn

o   Councillor Thorburn gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included NBSA and CASA work, off-campus housing handbook,  Community Food Smart, committee work and other updates including work on sustainability, social justice, etc.

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.


-       Councillor Humphrey: What is being done to protect international students from problematic landlords?

o   Councillor Thorburn: Thank you Councillor Humphrey for your comments. When it comes to problematic landlords we have been approached by students who have issues with their landlords. As Councillor Ferguson said in his report, we are working on the MASU housing policy and within that we will be given grounds to remove landlords from our housing director after we receive complaints from students. 

o   Councillor Humphrey: In the event that students end up in a position where they need legal representation against their landlords?

o   Councillor Thorburn: Unfortunately, the university’s jurisdiction is on-campus so they don’t handle too many off-campus housing. I would be happy to talk to you more about this outside of council.

-       Councillor Mittal: Is there some sort of targeting that happens regarding international students by these landlords? 

o   Councillor Thorburn: I’m not sure. We only hear about landlord issues from students who choose to come to us. From my understanding, I don’t think that there is any direct targeting but I know generally, students across the board have had problems with their landlords.


-       Councillor Penney

o   Councillor Penney gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included work on Quo Vadimus, Pride, Ascars, health and wellbeing, hiring of Orientation Chair as well as work with residence and residence leaders. 

o   Not written in report: Worked with Councillor Davy on a form to nominate graduates for awards. Check your MtA email to nominate. 

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.


-       Councillor Tobin: Have there been any updates that may justify Ras being received extended hours mandated by Karen Geldart? 

o   Councillor Penney: I don’t have a response to that but I can look into it and provide an update for next council meeting. 

-       Councillor Mittal (chat): Is the Drag Show/Jeopardy/Workshop all online? Or are some of them in-person events?

o   Councillor Penney: All of the events for Pride are online!


-       Councillor Nolan

o   Councillor Nolan gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included work with the policies and by-laws, MASU budgeting, the Campus Trust, committee work, university budgeting, hiring and MASU computers. 

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.

-       Councillor Davy

o   Councillor Davy gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included social media promotions, committee work, Ascars promotion, the website and the response to MtA professor’s personal blog.

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.

-       Councillor MacLean-de Stecher

o   Councillor MacLean-de Stecher gave the council an update on their work since the previous update. 

o   Updates included work with first-year caucus as well as work done toward their initial campaign pillars.

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.


-       Councillor Mittal: Next meeting is tomorrow?

o   Councillor MacLean-de Stecher: Yes!


-       Councillor Walsh 

o   Councillor Walsh gave council an update on their work since the previous meeting.

o   Updates included meetings had with other councillors, various committee updates, Pride month and Catalyst work.

o   For a more detailed update, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.

-       Sustainability Coordinator: Natasha Gosselin 

o   Natasha gave council an update on the three sustainability committees work that is being done (one committee is working on a podcast with CHMA, one is working with Eco Reps in residence and the other is working on the Green Investment Fund)

o   For more details, see the council package of Sunday, February 28th.


Business Arising from the Minutes (no items)


New Business

-       Queer Advocacy Committee First Reading – Councillor Walsh 

o   Councillor Walsh presented the first reading of the proposed Queer Advocacy Committee. 

o   Goals of this committee are to review existing University services that address queer students, consider student feedback and testimonials, and creating more resources for the queer community at MTA.

o   Along with the mandate, Councillor Walsh also presented the makeup, hopeful future achievements and duration of the committee.


-       Councillor Tobin: Do you intend for this to be a standing committee of the MASU that is chaired by GSD?

o   Councillor Walsh: Yes, that is the intention. 

-       Councillor Burke: I heard about this at Catalyst and I think this is amazing! 

-       Councillor Minocha-McKenney: This is great! How big are you planning on making the committee and do you have more details on the make-up?

o   Councillor Walsh: We haven’t spoken exactly about how many people will be involved  but I am assuming it will be around 10. In regards to the make-up, we are hoping to engage more students outside of MASU while also creating the connection to MASU. I believe we will open an application process.

-       Councillor Penney: This is phenomenal and the fact that you put this together is twice as phenomenal! Do we have to add this to the GSD’s job description before the committee or does the committee come first? 

o   Councillor Nolan: We can pass the committee, however, I would suggest that you (Councillor Walsh) and I meet a little bit to talk about the mandate and incorporate it as a standing committee under the by-laws. 

o   Councillor Walsh: That sounds good.


Open Forum

-       Updates Re: MASU Executive plan to address systemic racism on campus – Councillor Tobin 

o   Councillor Ferguson presented council with the MASU Executive Plan to address and combat systemic racism toward Black students on campus. This document was initially drafted in June of 2020. 

o   Councillor Ferguson also included various supports MASU executive has provided throughout the year while using this plan (such as BIPOC safe space in the student centre).

o   Important note: The plan is for this document to continue to exist for years to come and there are still updates/edits to be made on the current document. 

-       Board of Regents Update – Councillor Blakney

o   Councillor Blakney gave council another verbal report surrounding their work with the Board of Regents. 

o   A post-dated written report will be included with more information in the council package of March 14th.

-       Spring Elections – Councillor Richardson 

o   Councillor Richardson shared that spring elections will be opening soon with tentative dates being March 10th-26th.

o   The review of OP3 is required following the last election however, there has not been enough time to do a full review for this election. The plan for the Spring Election is to inform candidates of certain rules that are not in the OP currently. 



-       Councillor Thorburn: Food boxes are due this Tuesday by 4:30pm!

-       Councillor Di Lonardo: We have a Master’s Thesis defense coming up on March 11th at 1pm via Zoom! Reach out to me if you’re interested.

-       Councillor Burke: If you’re interested in mock MCAT or the med school symposium, check out our MASU website! Also, the academic newsletter for February is out and is on the website as well!

-       Councillor Rawling: ASCARS host applications are now open!

-       Councillor Whiteway: Please send me yearbook photos!


In Camera

-       Motion to go in camera (moved by Councillor Thorburn, seconded by Councillor Nolan).

-       Motion to allow Student-at-Large Natasha Gosselin to enter in camera given the matter this meeting has to do with her position as Sustainability Coordinator (moved by Councillor Thorburn, seconded by Councillor Mittal).

o   Motion passes.

-       Motion to approve the recommendation of the Sustainability Committee to award the $20,000 from the Green Investment Fund to both “The Green Lab” as well as the “Increasing Community Connections to Reduce Emissions with Food Forests.” (moved by Councillor Thorburn, seconded by Councillor Nolan).

o   Motion passes.


Adjournment: 7:29pm

-       Motion to Adjourn the Students’ Administrative Council until Sunday, March 14th, 2021 (moved by Councillor Minocha-McKenney, seconded by Councillor Ferguson).


May 23rd, 2022


February 24th, 2021