MASU Students’ Administrative Council

Meeting Minutes

June 3rd, 2020

1.     Call to order: 6:06

2.     Land Acknowledgement 

3.     Approval of the agenda

BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Tobin, seconded by Councillor Burke) that the June 22rd, 2020 Students’ Administrative Council Agenda be approved.

·      Agenda clearly passes.

4.     Approval of the minutes

5.     BE IT RESOLVED (moved by Councillor Tobin, seconded by Councillor Burke) that the minutes from June 3rd, 2020 meeting of the Students’ Administrative Council be approved.

·      Minutes clearly pass

6.     Reports


·      Working on the #IamaNBerToo International student campaign alongside MOSAIC to highlight how many international students are in New Brunswick, and how important they are to the province.

·      Speaking with students alongside the executive to work on addressing and combating systemic racism toward Black Students. The executive has developed an internal plan on how they plan to address and combat systemic racism on campus, and once this is finalized it will be shared with the SAC.

·      Participated in University Town Halls last week to engage with students about various topics.

·      Met with Dr. Boudreau about the upcoming year. 

o   Discussed the need to take greater action against systemic racism.

o   Discussed the need for greater communication to students about the changes instore for this year.

·      We are in the final stages of signing a one-year agreement with the Nimbus tutoring app.

·      The bike co-op will be reopening soon and will be continuing to look into the possibility of opening a Kayak co-op at Silver Lake.

VP External

·      Continuing work with the TCTF. Currently working with the Youth and Student Action Group to connect youth looking for jobs with families who need childcare.

·      Has met a couple times with the NBSA Board of Directors and ED to get updayes on the work being done across the four campuses.

·      Bike Co-op coordinator is currently being hired, and the co-op has been organized to run while the student centre and MASU office remain closed to the public.

·      Report was presented by Councillor Nolan and any questions can be directed to


·      Continuing to update the OP’s throughout the summer.

·      Elected to the Campus Trust board of trustees!

·      Working with facilities and Joy to continue the operational plan for reopening the MASU.


·      Has secured $2000 in university funding for the app and a proposal for the tutoring service will be presented to council for approval.

·      The first draft of the open educational report is done, and a final copy should be ready for the next SAC meeting.

·      Has also been looking into senior citizen tuition and auditing and the recent increase in price.

·      Has also met with the incoming Provost whom she will be working closely with this year.

VPSL (absent during reports)

VP Communications

·      Focussing on the Student Handbook/Agenda which will be distributed to students int eh Fall. The first draft is complete, and the project should be completed next week.

·      Preparing to begin work on the website over-haul project. Will be in contact with the website company in the coming week to determine quotes and next steps.

·      Helped out with the promotion of bike co-op coordinator hiring.

7.     Business arising from the minutes

Councillor Burke: Presentation of the Nimbus Learning app project.

8.     New Business

·      Updated clubs and societies constitution, Councillor Nolan

o   Walked through the changes to the document

o   Shamus’ question about section D: is it overreaching for the MASU to require 24hr notice for changes in meeting time/location? Councillor Nolan agrees that the wording is too intense.

o   Councillor Ferguson explains: the changes are mostly designed to add a little bit more accountability for C&S so they don’t stop operating without the MASU knowing

·      Operating Procedure 02

9.     Open Forum

Report from the Vice-President Student Life

·      Working with the Campus Life Coordinator on a three-phase plan for club continuity.

·      Attended a leadership session with COCA about clubs and societies.

·      Met with residence presidents, Jon, Brandon, and Karen to answer questions and discuss available supports.

·      Met with Brandon and Kristie to discuss residences and orientation.

·      Developing an extensive document of anti-racist resources and supports to be shared online, and worked with an incoming student to share a video regarding the Black Lives Matter movement.

·      Met with the Heath services Coordinator and the Accessibility Affairs Coordinator to discuss their jobs and plans for the summer.

·      Clubs and Societies

10.  Reminders 

·      Sign-up for online fundraising for Shinerama! Contact Emma Jacobson with any questions.

11.  In camera

12.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the Students’ Administrative Council Meeting until the next meeting on July 6th, 2020.

            (Moved by Councillor Burke, Seconded by Councillor Tobin).




July 6th, 2020


June 3rd, 2020